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Shameful Feelings of Discomfort During Breastfeeding? It Could Be D-MER

Breastfeeding is often a time of bonding, but for some women, it brings unexpected and distressing emotions. Feelings that can be associated with something known as Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex (D-MER). Understanding D-MER is crucial to providing the right support for affected mothers. Here we’ll dive into what it is and what the available research says. Many women who breastfeed can describe with longing in their voices how a sense of calm and well-being came over them. And how they could completely disconnect from their surroundings in a way they had never experienced before.  But for one group of women

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Surviving All the Self-help and ADHD-unfriendly Advice

Hi, I’m Hamest, a 28-year-old woman with ADHD, and a Letterlife user since the start. My ADHD story started when I was diagnosed in 2021 and this is how I have avoided trashing my self-esteem by all the “good” advice I’ve gotten over the years.  If you, like me, are a neurodiverse woman living in a world of neurotypicals. You’ve probably, just like me,  encountered a plethora of advice on how to navigate this maze we call life. After failing with everything from dental floss to gym memberships. I have developed a clear advice to everyone I meet and ask

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Getting Back on Track – Finding Your Routine After a Break or Vacation

Have you lost all your structure and routines during the vacation? Maybe you’ve indulged in a few too many treats and let your exercise habits slip as well. If so, you might be feeling a bit of panic about getting back to school or work, just like many others. It’s not easy to maintain your routines during breaks. And you’re not alone if you feel completely overwhelmed when it’s time to return to school or work after a holiday.  The good news is that when it all starts up again, it can actually help you get back into your routines

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I have ADHD today, too!

I admit it: I’m one of those people who lose library books and forget to pay the parking fee. And I’m quite convinced that I’ve already answered that message you sent me yesterday.   I forget expensive food items in the back of my fridge until they are no longer edible. I lose focus in the middle of important meetings. And most of the time I haven’t got a clue as to if I’ve already paid that bill or not.  “The reason for this is spelled ADHD, and the solution is called acceptance.”  Not that I’ve given up.  Of course, I

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Standing Amid All the Answers Finding None

I used to judge other parents. My perspective changed when my own children started refusing to go to school. Navigating this journey revealed signs I had ignored. Here’s a glimpse into our chaotic, enlightening experience with school refusal and ADHD diagnoses: In the past, I’ve been quick to judge other people’s parenting skills. It’s an attitude I look back on with embarrassment and shame.  I’ve improved though, but I clearly remember how often I was thinking; – What’s wrong with people? – What do you mean by ‘not going to school’? Just tell the kid to go! – What lazy,

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Overview – Understanding Your ADHD Brain’s Control Tower

Our brain’s “control tower” helps manage daily tasks. But when it functions differently as for us with ADHD, even simple actions can feel overwhelming. Understanding your unique brain can help create effective and personalized strategies for a smoother daily life. In this blog, we walk you through it all. Many with ADHD can witness how stressful it is to live with constant energy leakage. From trying to plan, structure, organize and complete things.  Tasks that seem so simple when others do them, despite knowing exactly what needs to be done.  Getting started might seem impossible and important things remain undone.

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Am I Burned Out or Just Bored?

Are you one of many ADHD women who struggle to stay in the same job over time? One that loses the work passion as soon as you’ve cracked the code and proven yourself worthy. And no longer feel the thrill of being challenged? It’s important to distinguish whether you’re simply bored or on the verge of burnout. This post explores strategies to find balance, prevent burnout and discover sustainable ways to maintain your career satisfaction. How can you tell if it’s a matter of getting bored or if the constant hunt for challenges is actually leading to burnout?  Many women

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ADHD Medication, Exercise and Elite Sports

Navigating between ADHD medication and intense exercise can be complex, especially for elite athletes. ADHD medications can enhance performance. But it also has side effects, like increased heart rate and blood pressure. This article explores whether to maintain or take a break from medication during training and competitions. Do you use physical activity as one of your strategies to manage your ADHD symptoms? Perhaps your need for constant movement, stimulation and competitive instinct has even led you to become a professional athlete. But how do ADHD medications and intense physical activity actually work together?  Should you avoid medications when training

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ADHD 24/7 –  Navigating Neurodivergence Every Hour of Every Day

ADHD 24/7 is a model representing overarching areas in life, relevant for anyone aiming to live as healthy and meaningful lives as possible. It recognizes that neurodiversity extends beyond ADHD, providing a holistic approach to personal growth and overall health. We’ll go through each step of it. Living with ADHD is a 24/7 endeavor. It doesn’t take breaks, holidays or lunch. The challenges and nuances of ADHD persist around the clock, affecting everyone uniquely.  Recognizing this, it’s crucial to make individual considerations the cornerstone of all decision-making in healthcare, self-care and support.  The principles of the ADHD 24/7 model aim

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