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AuDHD – A Maze of Emotions and Relationships

For girls and women with ADHD, ADD, and autism (sometimes abbreviated as AuDHD), social norms and expectations can become a demanding challenge. In this blog, the experienced neuropsychologist Maria Bühler, explores the maze of emotions that many women with neurodevelopmental diagnoses encounter. You’ll receive tips on smart support and strategies for navigating social interaction. The expectations of girls and women Being a girl and a woman often means being socialized in taking on the responsibility for relationships and emotions. Many girls and women testify how they early on in life felt expected to carry the emotional backpack in families, workplaces,

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Finding Your Body Balance with Mindfulness 

Living with ADHD is often living with difficulties in self-regulation. You may feel that you were born without the luxury of knowing what your gut feeling is telling you. Or having a thousand gut feelings in conflict with each other in every decision you must make. Then Mindfulness could become a good friend of yours. In such circumstances, it’s no wonder if you struggle with reading your body’s signals and regulating your energy or activity levels. And even handling your emotions or controlling your appetite.  Listening to and calibrating your body balance may feel like the last thing you have

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ADHD and the Menstrual Cycle

Do you have a vague feeling that your hormones affect how you feel and behave or even worsens your ADHD, but you have no idea how? Do theories about hormones or “hormonal imbalance” seems reasonable, but doesn’t quite fit into how you perceive things? Let’s start by looking at how female sex hormones work in general and hopefully we can get closer to how things are for you as an individual. Menstruation 101 – The Female Cycle The menstrual cycle can be divided into four different phases: 1) the menstruation phase when hormone level drops and the uterus lining is

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Self-regulation – The ADHD Brain and the Volume Control

Do you find yourself rushing through things, even though there’s no urgency? Is being first more important than being accurate? Can calm, relaxing situations lead to boredom-induced conflicts? Is your energy battery suddenly depleted – just to be overcharged and through the roof without warning? Do you need to “take something” to feel normal?  Then you’re in good company! Living with an ADHD brain in a neurotypical world is a challenge for many reasons. But sometimes it can be hard to disentangle why things that seem so logical and easy for others, keep causing such struggles for the ADHD brain.

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Why Do My Days Always End on a Low Note?

Throughout my professional life, I have met many people with comorbidity, meaning that they have two or more diagnoses. Most often, this involves conditions such as addiction to alcohol, or drugs combined with diagnoses like ADHD, depression, or anxiety.  Many struggles with something that I recognize painfully well in myself, the frequent feeling of letting oneself down.  This can happen daily! I wonder if you, as you read this, will also identify with what I am about to describe? When I wake up in the morning, I usually have high ambitions for what I want to achieve and handle during

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The Overlooked Landscape of Women’s Brain Health and Why More Research is Needed!

Happy International Women’s Day! This is a day to celebrate for us, 3.95 billion women, or half of humanity living on earth today. However today, as on any other day since the beginning of times, women live their lives in a society tailored to a male norm. A sobering fact is that women make up two-thirds of the global health and social care workforce.  So keeping girls and women healthy should be a clear social focus. If not for any other reason than the societal benefits, especially for children and the elderly. Female diagnoses increase, healthcare gap persists Starting from

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Women with ADHD in Menopause

Let us take a closer look at the subject of women, ADHD and menopause. And explore how these aspects bring new challenges to women’s lives and some potential perks.  What is Menopause? First things first, since the topic of menopause has been neglected for too long, let us deep dive into what it is. Perimenopause

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ADHD and Alcohol – What’s the Deal?

According to most research, ADHD is a risk factor for problems related to alcohol and for developing alcohol dependence. But what does an increased risk mean? And what causes this heightened risk?  Is it all the negative attention during childhood? Or is it about adults self-medicating for restlessness and low self-esteem?  In this blog, we will explore the association between ADHD and alcohol.  We know that adolescents with ADHD, on a group level, are more likely to experiment with tobacco, alcohol and in some cases, illicit drugs at a much earlier age than their peers without the diagnosis. However, it

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ADHD Medications – Benefit or Risk? Research or Myths?

Are you newly diagnosed with ADHD and considering medication? Or do you have a child with ADHD and lack the answers you need for the next step on your ADHD journey?  You are not alone! The topic of medication for ADHD, whether its aimed for children or adults, can evoke both emotions and questions. Perhaps this is especially true for ADHD, which in some ways feels like a part of your or your child’s personality. Hope, doubt, and concerns about whether it will work may be accompanied by thoughts about treating a child because the school fails to adapt the

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