What It's Like Being a Mom With ADHD

ADHD Mother

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What its like being a mom with ADHD children

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For ADHD mothers

Tools created specifically for mothers to children with ADHD symptoms based on research and developed in collaboration with patients and leading physicians.

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From our blog
  • Blog

ADHD and Teenage Pregnancies

This week’s blog is a summary of a study from our Swedish research group at Uppsala University and Karolinska Institutet. The study called Association of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder with Teenage Birth Among Women and Girls in Sweden was published in JAMA Netw Open in 2019 and explore if women with ADHD have a higher risk of […]

Breastfeeding and ADHD-medication - how to think on different medication.
  • Blog

Breastfeeding, Hormones and ADHD Medication – What Does Science Say?

A growing number of studies show that most women can continue using ADHD medication during pregnancy, and more often also do so. In consultation with a doctor and with regular check-ups any risk for mother or child seems to be small. The potential benefits of having a woman, who feels and functions well during pregnancy, […]

  • Blog

Balancing Work Stress and Recovery with ADHD

Are you one of the women with ADHD who, despite lousy executive functions always seems to be appointed project manager at work? Do you go “all in” in anything from gardening to Excel filing or studies? Do you end up being involved in so many different projects, and spend all your energy joggling different balls […]

Meet our experts

Lotta Borg Skoglund, MD PhD

Lotta has over 20 years of clinical experience and her current research targets girls and women with ADHD.

As a senior physician and associate professor in psychiatry with a special focus on neurodiversity and addiction me and my research group GODDESS ADHD aim to increase the knowledge about how hormones influence mental health in girls and women across the lifespan. Raising awareness and spreading knowledge through lectures and popular science books is among the important and enjoyable things I know.

Lotta Borg Skoglund, MD PhD

Meet our experts

Jolanta Eriksson - Letterlife ADHD-Coach
Jolanta Eriksson, ADHD-coach and ADHD-mother

Jolanta has 16 years’ experience as an ADHD coach and an entire lifetime of experience from her own ADHD diagnosis and as an ADHD mother.

I am trained in pedagogical leadership and extensive experience from working with personal development and growth.

From working with women with ADHD I’m aware and comfortable with comorbidity being the rule rather than the exception. Indeed, I have lived experience from previous periods of exhaustion and burnout. Together we will explore the areas of your life that your ADHD affects the most, such as hormones, relations, or work life. We will set and evaluate individual goals aiming for a balanced function and good quality of life.

Jolanta Eriksson - Letterlife ADHD-Coach
Jolanta Eriksson, ADHD-coach and ADHD-mother

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